
SaveNature.Org learning guides invite you to explore rainforests and coral reefs, as well as nature in your own backyard. Get started!



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The Great Millipede Project

An excited blonde girl smiles while holding a giant African Millipede.

Millipedes perform an invaluable ecological service in the form of detritus fragmentation and nutrient recycling yet they remain a largely unexplored group, with only 12,000 of the predicted 60,000 to 80,000 species currently described. Your task is to track distribution, record diversity of native and introduced species of millipedes. Submit smartphone photographs and GPS of millipedes to iNaturalist for verification, distribution and mapping.

Check out the scientific research paper in the link below to learn how wild blonde capuchins use millipedes as mosquito repellant!


Insect Discovery Lab Video Series


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